Our insured car leasing contracts are made in partnership with Arval Total Care. It offers you piece of mind with a package of insurance, maintenance and breakdown cover for one fixed monthly fee. Use our filters below to search by manufacturer and model to find the right vehicle for you.
Personal lease agreements that include insurance and maintenance can be a great way to make the process of leasing a new car more simple. We remove the hassle of needing to prepare insurance and breakdown cover for the delivery date of your vehicle. All of your costs and searching for the best prices are removed by a single monthly cost. Easy to manage and understand from day one to the day you return your vehicle.
Under our deals for personal car leasing with insurance and maintenance any of the following people are allowed to drive the vehicle.
Business lease agreements that include insurance and maintenance make the whole experience of leasing a car one that is easy and makes sense from a business perspective. Car leasing with insurance and maintenance ties all your monthly costs into one simple monthly payment, as well as cutting all the time out of finding the best deals. Insured car leasing enables you to ‘rent’ a car with peace of mind that it is fully insured and maintained.
Under our deals for business leasing with insurance and maintenance any of the following people are allowed to drive the vehicle.
Any of the above mentioned drivers must meet the following criteria in order to be eligible to drive a car leased with insurance and maintenance.
As part of our insured deals, Arval offers a range of services to ensure you get full use of your vehicle for the duration of your lease agreement.
For the duration of your lease agreement any of the drivers listed above are covered for both business and personal miles as part of the contract, this includes personal contract hire deals.
Additionally, the following areas come as part of your agreement;
In order to successfully complete an insured leasing agreement, drivers of the vehicle must meet the following criteria.
If you are unsure about any of the above terms of insured car leasing, contact a member of the Vehicle Contracts team who can advise you on your individual situation.
Yes, your insured car leasing payments are fixed throughout the entire term of your contract. There are only specific situations where this would change, such as if you were to drive more miles than originally agreed, or if the vehicle is involved in a number of accidents. In which case your insured car leasing terms and payments will be discussed with you.
In the situation where your car has been stolen, you will first need to notify the police and follow the necessary crime report with them. Once you have been given a crime reference number you will then need to notify the finance company within 24 hours of the incident
Araval will directly liaise with the police throughout the case. After 21 days if the car has been recovered and has been deemed at a loss, or hasn't been found, your insured car leasing agreement will be terminated. The finance company will then issue the relevant customer incident charge (CIC) to you. If there are any disagreements over the car's value, you will be liable to pay the difference. However, if you have taken out GAP Insurance this would cover the cost.
For more information on leasing a vehicle with insurance and maintenance included, take a look through our PDF guide.